Online Patternmaking Classes
by Don McCunn Upper Torso Sloper Home Page ► Week Two ► Go To Week Three Drafting the Initial PatternsThe initial patterns guarantee that you will have an appropriate amount of fabric to cover the body. You will need to have one pattern for the front and one for the back. There is a description for how to draft these patterns on the pages of my book and the videos below. I have a new approach for drafting the women's front that is different from the first edition of my book, see the Women's Front Draft PDF file.
When you create these patterns, you will be dividing measurements by 1/4, and 1/8. I show easy ways of dividing measurements by using my Scale Rulers or by folding a tape measure as you will see in the videos. The Back Pattern The Front Pattern for Women The Front Pattern for Men Adding Seam Allowances Preparing the Fitting Shell Upper Torso Sloper Home Page ► Week Two ► Go To Week Three
Copyright © 2007, & 2020 by Donald H. McCunn